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Northern Federation Support Unit

In March 2021 and, again, in July 2021 the Northern

Federation Support Unit was delighted to be able

to secure a contract with AccuRx on behalf of

many of our member practices across the Four

Federation Member Practices. By co-ordinating our

collective buying power at FSU level, we were able

to achieve substantial discounts for participating

EMIS practices.

We know from feedback we have received from

both PMs and GPs this has been a valuable

platform in our socially distanced times and we

were very pleased to be able to secure real

savings for practices in a timely manner.

In May 2022, we collaborated with Western and

Southern Federation to provide a joint contract

which ultimately again provides Practices with

substantial discounts due to list size.

If you are an EMIS Practice and interested in joining this contract for discounts please contact



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