General Practice
Management Handbook
Eastern Federation Support Unit
1st Edition 2023
Play Therapy Service
Support available to Northern Trust area
Ascert Northern Ireland
Any Young person aged between 10-18 years living in the Northern Trust area.
Mental Health Support for Young People,
Steps to Cope,
generic ASCERT information
Northern Trust Care Hub
Are you looking after a loved one?
Welcome to the Digital Resource for Carers!
Having the right information at the right time can make a huge difference for you as a carer and the person you look after. Our resources are designed to bring you the support you need.
​The website link is and the access code is DGTL2770 to create an account.
General Practice IceBerg
A poster which can be downloaded and printed for your GP Practices.
"General Practice and the work of a GP and their team"
Rapid Diagnosis Centre
The Rapid Diagnosis Clinic (RDC) is a new service for patients who present to their GP with vague but worrying symptoms suggestive of a malignancy, but do not meet Red Flag criteria for any existing clinical pathway.
Staff Well-being Services
Arts Care is a leading regional arts,
health and well-being organisation
based in Northern Ireland. We deliver
a wide range of innovative and impactful
participatory arts projects and events into the heart of health and social care services, the community and businesses.