26th June 2024
A Note From the Chair - Dr Ian Lalsingh
Dear Colleagues,
We are now half way through the year, with a new GP contract in place that sets the starting point for further investment in general practice, along with the GP workforce strategy document from RCGPNI. The shocking but not surprising findings of the NI Audit Office on general practice along with continued practice contract handbacks makes a compelling case for urgent support and funding of primary care in NI.
I am relieved a new contractor is in place for Larne Medical Practice, however the risks remain with under resourcing and increasing demand. Multi-disciplinary teams are part of the solution and are the top priority of SPPG for primary care. If transformation funding becomes available, East Antrim remains at the front of the queue. We continue to engage with the Northern Trust in preparation for MDT.
It will be interesting to see if the new Minister for Health will implement other changes such as multi-year budgets and our preferred indemnity solution for GP's. It is reassuring that the Assembly health committee recognise the importance of general practice and the whole primary care team. The motion was passed unanimously in the Assembly. I will continue to engage with our local MLA's.
In the last 12 months there have been many “firsts” for me, most of which I hope none of you will have to experience. Being interviewed for BBC TV and visiting Stormont for the first time as well as speaking there were certainly exciting new challenges.
Finally, a thank you to all of you for the work you do everyday in general practice. I would like to extend a special thank you to all of the staff in Larne Health Centre. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with you all for the last 20 years, through all the challenges in general practice, notwithstanding covid, merging the two practices and then the awful stress and uncertainty of a contract handback. Your unwavering support for myself and the GP's through all of this and more is humbling and I will be forever grateful.
Motion: Extreme Pressures in Primary Care
Proposed: That this Assembly values the enormous contribution of those working in primary care across Northern Ireland; notes that this includes GP's, nurses, health visitors, physiotherapists, social workers and mental health practitioners; recognises that primary care is generally the first point of contact within the health service for those who become unwell; further notes the recent Northern Ireland Audit Office report on Access to General Practice, which found that almost one in three local practices have sought crisis support in the last four years; regrets the absence of a specific workforce strategy for general practice; believes the failure to train, recruit, retain and reward staff has limited progress toward the rollout of multi-disciplinary teams in local primary care settings; calls on the Minister of Health to provide an indemnity scheme for GP's in Northern Ireland in line with arrangements in other parts of the United Kingdom; and further calls on the Minister to increase the number of GP training places and invest in an enhanced fellowship programme for newly qualified GP's as part of an ambitious, costed and time-bound plan to grow the primary care workforce.
Mrs Diane Dodds
Mr Alan Robinson

Federation Education
Dr Richard McClean, Dr Aine McNeill, Shauna McKinley & Janice Russell -
Federation Education Team
Following on from our February safeguarding PBL we had our small group learning session on 17th April addressing the topic of HRT.
Dr.Aine McNeill facilitated the session and provided an update on the current guidance relating to HRT and guided us through a series of cases highlighting some of the potential challenges and pitfalls surrounding what is an increasingly "hot topic" in primary care.
It was useful to chat openly about how we deal with queries relating to grey areas such as testosterone replacement and interactions with private providers.
Our most recent PBL was on 12th June and Dr.Adele Kennedy gave a comprehensive overview of the assessment and management of hypo/hyperthyroidism. It was an information rich session and I plan to make it available on the FedED portion of the website.
The second session was slightly shorter than expected and Dr.Jason Edwards spoke on ECGs, highlighting the importance of correct lead placement.
Our next small group education session will be on 10th July at the Moyle Medical Centre in Larne. It is on “The Primary and Secondary prevention of vascular disease” and will be facilitated by Dr.Florence Kennedy and Dr.Claire Irvine. The session is open to trainers, trainees and any interested GPs. If you have any students attached your practice who would be interested in attending they are more than welcome also.
Feel free to contact me on drr.mcclean@gmail.com to let me know if you are planning to attend so i can ensure we have enough lunch for everyone.
The small group sessions in particular have been well received and again i’m keen to encourage engagement from other practices who haven’t hosted one yet. If any trainer is interested in hosting our October 2024 or January 2025 session drop me a mail or text.
Richard McClean
Janice & Shauna update PBL - admin and PM PBL topics.
Topics Covered so far this Year
February 2024
·Safe Guarding for all staff clinical & admin
June 2024
Excel Training (Basic Training) – Managers
Institute of Practice Managers Professional Body – Update – Practice Managers
Chronic Disease update: Heart Failure Education: Disease overview, guideline and referral. Paul Rishton, Heart Failure Nurse Specialist & Medical Education Associate, Boehringer-Ingelheim Ltd. (Module 2 Nov 24
September 2024
Excel Training (Advanced Training) – Managers
Topics we hope to cover
IGPR – by Medical Defence Union (MDU)
Provision of Interpreters for patients who do not speak English – Managers & Admin

*Please note This event is NOT organised by the Federation.
SAVE THE DATE! Two day conference for Practice Managers
Roe Park Resort, Limavady (2 day conference)
Monday 23rd September 2024
Tuesday 24th September 2024 (AM only)
Nicola Smyth and Karen Foreman - Lead General Practice Pharmacists
Nicola met with Robin Swann, 28th Feb 2024, who joined with GP and GPP representatives to launch the new DOH strategy document. 'GPP NI 2030: A strategy for General Practice Pharmacy in Northern Ireland’. GPP NI 2030 - A Strategy for General Practice Pharmacy in Northern Ireland | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk).The GPP Leads are now working through the recommendations within this and have held meetings with both East Antrim Federation GP's and subsequently Practice Managers to talk about some of the ways in which we can push forward and be ready to implement future roles for pharmacists and to discuss GPP retention within the Federation.
We had a great team building day at Carlingford- hiking the tricky Slieve Foy Loop to raise funds for Pulmonary Fibrosis NI. We are delighted to hit our target and have raised £1419 for the charity – albeit with some sore legs at the end.
Many thanks to all who sponsored us!
Training for the Northern FSU GPPs was arranged this time by East Antrim and we were delighted to welcome Jackie Kearns, Specialist IBD nurse, and Alan Wilson, Specialist Gastroenterology Pharmacist, to speak to us about IBD in the community and Prescribing/deprescribing in Iron deficiency anaemia, at the event held in the Tullyglass on 24th April 24 . We also heard from the NHSCT DESMOND team and I’m sure many GPP referrals have went into them after highlighting the immense benefits to patients of attending this course.
Both Scotch Quarter and Victoria surgeries have highlighted on GPNI webinars recently, both on the theme of opioid reduction and highlight ways that GPPs can get involved in QI within protected sessions and both these webinars are available to view on their website.
Karen and Nicola are to give a talk at the QUB Pharmacist Pathway Programme again this year on 26th June were they will highlight the role of GPPs in primary care and highlight practically how asthma reviews can be carried out within surgeries.
Dr Conor Gorman - Northern ECR Clinical Lead
I wanted to update you regarding the current ‘state of play’ relating to GP Elective Care Services .
Most will be aware of the farce around vasectomy, with service initially being suspended then progressing to closure. Fortunately the Health Minister stepped in at the very last minute and we are now in the position of recurrent funding being approved for the vasectomy service. All future vasectomies will now be carried out within Primary Care apart from those requiring a general anaesthetic or have other complicating factors.
Due to the suspension of the service we have built up longer waiting times than we would be happy with. Staff within GPECS / FSU and our Host practices have worked tirelessly in the last few weeks to relaunch the vasectomy service. We plan to develop the service over the next month’s / years in order to achieve more acceptable waiting times.
CCG will be reopened to allow GPs to again refer patients into the service on 29th June 2024.
Absolute Exclusion Criteria
- Weight >160kg
- Implanted cardiac device or pacemaker
- Uncontrolled diabetes HBA1C > 69mmol/mol
Relative contraindications –Gpes will assess and decide if surgery is possible ]
- BMI > 35
- Previous scrotal Surgery / Hydrocele
- Immunosuppressant’s
- Severe anxiety
Our other services – Dermatology, MSK, Skin Surgery and Gynaecology remain at under 50% of their previous activity. At present there is no budget allocation to any department within Trust or Primary Care and thus we are still optimistic that recurrent funding may be allocated to these services.
I would like to express our gratitude to all our primary care colleagues who have continued to support and encourage us. In particular I would like to thank our Host practice staff and GPEs’s who have stuck with us through these trying times.
Cathy Christie - HR Officer
Carol Shaw - HR Administrator
As part of our HR Health & Wellbeing Calendar, we are excited to announce the following upcoming webinars and events:
3rd July 2024 (1-2 pm) –
NI Consumer Council: Know Your Travel Rights
You can register: here.
August (Date TBC) –
Suzanne Hamilton, Podiatry
27th September 2024 – Macmillan Coffee Morning
We encourage all practices to consider hosting their own coffee mornings to support Macmillan. Let's come together to make a difference!
Northern GP Federation Support Unit (NFSU)
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions for East Antrim GP Federation please contact NFSU on info@northernfsu.co.uk.
Rachael Elliott - Project Coordinator
We are delighted to have almost all our Emis Practices joined up to the FSU contract for AccuRx. A platform to connect and communicate to patients which has a number of modules to help support Practices. Accurx | The simple way to communicate about patient care.
NFSU hold the contract alongside Eastern, Western and Southern Federation Support Units, those who are in the contract provides practices with a large, reduced discount than purchasing this software alone.
You will find the recordings of the new users and refresher training most recent AccuRx training online here –
Following the completion of the NRC Project/course in the new bespoke Level 2 Primary Care Medical Administration in East Antrim, EA Federation extend our thanks for your support and a special thanks to all the host practices that welcomed placement students.
We are proud to report the following achievements:
Course Completion: 10 out of 15 students successfully completed the course.
Employment Outcomes:
1 student secured a permanent contract with Castle Practice.
1 student obtained a maternity cover position at Meadowbridge.
1 student got a summer post.
2 students have upcoming interviews.
Career Aspirations: 8 out of 10 students expressed their desire to pursue a career in General Practice administration.
Looking ahead to the 2024/25 course, we are excited to continue and expand this program again in Newtownabbey and Coleraine. We encourage Practices to host placement students and urge Practice Managers to be involved at every stage. This course is designed for you, and your engagement, support and involvement is crucial to its success.
Let's work together to make the next course even bigger and better. If you know anyone interested in applying, please send them the link.
Thank you all for your continued support! Primary Care Medical Administration - Level 2 Diploma - Social Care & Early Years at Newtownabbey - NRC
You will be aware we have been in touch with Ebrington Medical to achieve economies of scale cost savings. They have established a “buying group” which Practices can avail of further discounts. Ebrington are currently uploading Practice details to their system and will be in touch the minute this is complete.
Clinical Waste
We understand the challenges by the rise and increasing costs of clinical waste disposal within GP practices in Northern Ireland. In response to concerns raised by GPs and Practice Managers, the Federation has proactively engaged in discussions to explore avenues for cost efficiencies on your behalf. The Northern Federation alongside Western, Southern, and Eastern Federations have initiated discussions with Stericycle, headquartered in Ballymena, to negotiate discounted rates for our members. Several practices across the region already partnered with Stericycle have provided positive feedback on the quality of service they've experienced. Practices can transition seamlessly once their current contracts agreements expire. The proposed pricing schedule demonstrates that as more practices join the contract, the discounts available to all members will increase substantially. Further details are available in the attached proposal and costing schedule. The goal is to have >100 practices across the region in the contract reaching up to 25% discount overall!! The contract will be held with the individual Practice - the FSU has come together for discount purposes.
More information can be found here. If you are interested please contact Smyth, ssmyth@STERICYCLE.com
NFSU Meeting Rooms
NFSU based at Galgorm Castle has two meeting rooms FOC which can be used individually or opened to one large room. The have video conference cameras/ TVs which can be connected to laptops. We have coffee and tea making facilities and local catering companies nearby. We welcome any practice who wishes to use these rooms which are free of charge for any training/ meetings. The large room together can hold up to 24 people. If you wish to see pictures or book these, please contact info@northernfsu.co.uk
Job advertising
The Federation website can host any of your GP Practice jobs on our website to get the reach to the public. If you wish to post any of your live jobs on our website please send the details to info@northernfsu.co.uk
NORTHERN IRELAND GP Practice Management Handbook
The Practice Managers Advisory Group within Eastern FSU has been working to develop a GP Practice Management Handbook, the first of its kind in Northern Ireland!
This project was undertaken after a need was identified to have a comprehensive reference guide, specific to Northern Ireland, primarily for new practice managers. It is hoped this handbook will aid new Practice Managers (and other staff) with induction into the Primary Care setting and be a supportive resource for existing managers in their day-to-day business operations.
The document has been designed to be used as a digital document as it has live links throughout but as things frequently change in general practice this handbook will be updated on a yearly basis.
Practice Index
Bespoke, engaging courses designed specifically for GP practice staff, delivered by expert trainers.
As all Practices will be aware, the Federation have purchased a 3-year licence for each of our 69 GP Practices to have access to Practice Index Training for you & all your staff within your Practice in January 2023. You should all have received a log in by this stage to access the portal to be able to allocate mandatory training to your staff.
Accessible Information Standard
Accident and Incident Reporting
An Introduction to Care Navigation
An Introduction to Management
Bullying and Harassment
Caldicott and Confidentiality
Care Navigation and Correspondence
Management Masterclass - Part One
Care Navigation and Correspondence Management Masterclass - Part Two
Change Management Masterclass
Chaperone Awareness
Complaints Management
Complaints Management (Northern Ireland)
Conflict Resolution
CQC for All Staff
CQC Masterclass: The Perfect Practice - Module 1: Introduction
CQC Masterclass: The Perfect Practice - Module 2: Key Question (Safe)
CQC Masterclass - The Perfect Practice - Module 3 - Key Question (Effective)
CQC Masterclass - The Perfect Practice - Module 4 - Key Question (Caring)
CQC Masterclass: The Perfect Practice - Module 5: Key Question (Responsive)
CQC Masterclass: The Perfect Practice - Module 6: Key Question (Well-led)
Customer Care
Dealing with Violent and Abusive Patients
Dementia Awareness
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and Mental Capacity Act (NI) 2016
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Domestic Violence Awareness
Duty of Candour
Effective Record-Keeping - The Essentials
Electrical Safety
ELFH - Autism Awareness ELFH - Communicating with Patients, Parents and carers
ELFH - Flu Immunisation (FLU) - Core knowledge for flu immunisers and self assessment
ELFH - Flu Immunisation (FLU) - Inactivated flu vaccines and self assessment
ELFH - Flu Immunisation (FLU) - Live Flu vVaccine and Self Assessment"
ELFH - National Immunisation Policy and Programmes and Assessment
ELFH - Vaccine administration and assessment
ELFH - Vaccine Storage and Assessment
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity (NI)
Excel basics for Practice Managers
Fire Safety
Fire Warden Training
Fraud Awareness
GDPR - The Perfect Practice
GP Practice Management (Masterclass) - Module 1
GP Practice Management (Masterclass) - Module 2
GP Practice Management (Masterclass) - Module 3
GP Practice Management (Masterclass) - Module 4
GP Practice Management (Masterclass) - Module 5
GP Practice Management (Masterclass) - Module 6
Having Difficult Conversations
Health and Safety: Office, Electrical and Fire Safety
Health, Safety and Welfare
How to Reduce Did Not Attends (DNAs)
HR Masterclass - Module 1 (Recruitment)
HR Masterclass - Module 2 (Performance Management)
HR Masterclass - Module 3 (Disciplinaries)
HR Masterclass - Module 4 (Appraisals & objective setting)
HR Masterclass - Module 5 (Managing short-term sickness absence)
HR Masterclass - Module 6 (Managing Long Term Absence) Induction
Infection Prevention and Control: Tier 1 - Non-clinical Staff
Infection Prevention and Control: Tier 2 - Clinical Staff
Information Governance and Data Security
Information Governance and Data Security (Northern Ireland)
Leadership Styles and Approaches
Learning Disabilities Awareness
Legionella Awareness
Lone Working
Maintaining the Cold Chain
Managing Change
Managing Others
Managing Yourself
Mental Capacity Act and DoLS
Mental Health in the Workplace
Moving and Handling Level 1 (All staff)
Moving and Handling Level 2 (Clinical staff)
#MyGPandMe: Making your practice inclusive for people with learning disabilities and autism
Office Safety Practice Marketing Checklist
Preparing for a Pandemic
Preventing Radicalisation - Basic Prevent Awareness Privacy and Dignity
Receptionists in General Practice Masterclass - Module 1
Receptionists in General Practice Masterclass - Module 2
Receptionists in General Practice Masterclass- Module 3
Receptionists in General Practice Masterclass - Module 4
Resuscitation - Adult Basic Life Support Resuscitation - Paediatric Basic Life Support
Risk Assessments Risk Assessments including COSHH
Safeguarding Adults (Level 1)
Safeguarding Adults (Level 2)
Safeguarding Adults (Level 3)
Safeguarding Children (Level 1)
Safeguarding Children (Level 2)
Safeguarding Children (Level 3)
Transgender Awareness
UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Understanding how General Practice Works
Understanding how General Practice Works (Northern Ireland)
Understanding Integrated Care Systems Understanding Personally Administered Items (PPA Claims) Whistleblowing
Working at Height
Your practice on social media - A beginner's guide
If you can’t find what you are looking for? – they will create it for you!
Contact us
As always if you have any questions for the FSU, please do not hesitate to contact the Federation Support Unit on info@northernfsu.co.uk or 02896208333
Follow the Federation on: