The Northern Federation hosted its 5th Strategy Planning afternoon at Galgorm Ballymena on Friday 4th November. ⭐️ ⚡️
In recent months the Northern Federation Support team, led by Non-Executive Board Member, John Armstrong, have worked in partnership with a team of federation colleagues and general practice stakeholders to develop a values framework that will be the foundation block for us to realise our purpose of Enabling Better General Practice. 🩺
The innovative work we have undertaken in this area is now beginning to take shape and we are very excited for the future of the Federation, it’s potential to thrive and provide an even better workplace for our employees whilst growing strong connections with our General Practice colleagues to deliver high quality health care for the patients within our local communities🏥🧍🏼♀️🧍🏽
We are passionate about what we do and the people we do it for and we look forward to making our plans a reality! 🔑🙌🏽